See the Music – Hear the Color
September 24th, 2010
Synaesthesia in Art
A blending of the visual and auditory senses.
Synaesthesia: The impression to one sense by the stimulation of another sense. The gallery director at the Liberty Arts Gallery in Yreka, California upon hearing of several people within the community who experience the phenomenon, asked artists to present music along with visual art in an attempt to simulate the experience of synaesthesia. Gallery visitors were given personal MP3 music players with musical selections for each piece of art.
click here for a YouTube video of this show
While meditating on four of Marlis’ paintings, Marlis, Bastian and Rasa, the music group Starseed, improvised four pieces of music inspired by their meditation.
The four paintings are presented here along with their corresponding pieces of music.
The Dancing Wall – Brick 23
Oil on aquarell paper
13.5″ x 11.5″ (framed)
from: The Dancing Wall in Berlin
November 9th, 1989
Forty oil paintings arranged as “bricks” in a wall pattern.
Painted in Berlin on the day of the fall of the Berlin Wall.
Original paintings were digitally printed onto canvas at 68″ x 30″
Title of the musical piece:
The Dancing Wall – Brick #23
Humanity is Divine Yantra
ritual painting
(Jinrui Soku Kami Nari)
Pilot Micro Fine (0.1mm) Pens on Japanese paper
(printed with concentric circles)
22.5″ x 22.5″ (framed)
This work was created as an exercise
for the Japanese Peace Organization Byakko Shinko Kai.
The Phrase Jinrui Soku Kami Nari is written repeatedly
in concentric circles in a proscribed manner
with ritual movements and breathing.
Yantra paper provided by Byakko Shinko Kai.
Title of the musical piece:
Jinrui Soku Kami Nari